Not being in the union is like driving with no insurance. If you get in an accident… you’re on your own.

Join the team,

protect yourself,

& enjoy the benefits

of being a member.

What exactly is a Union?

A union is nothing more complicated than a group of workers who have banded together to promote their common interests. One person standing alone may be weak, but all of us joined together have strength.

The union speaks with one voice on behalf of all the employees in what is known as the “bargaining unit.” This means the employer loses the powerful advantage of dealing only with individuals, one-on-one, with every worker subject to the employer’s whim. With union representation in place, the employer has to reckon with all of us, united in the union as the collective voice of all of the workers.


  • Wages, benefits and working conditions are protected by a legal contract.

  • A contract spells out how much each worker earns.

  • Unions negotiate raises for everyone. Members vote on the contract, and if they feel it’s unfair, they may vote it down.

  • If you are unfairly disciplined unions provide due process to protect again unscrupulous supervisors.

  • If you don’t like something at work, you can work together with your union to change it.

  • Management can change wages, benefits and working

  • conditions unilaterally.

  • No one knows how much anyone else earns. Disparate treatment, favoritism exist.

  • If you want a raise your must plead your case to a supervisor or manager.

  • If your are unfairly disciplined, you are on your own (at-will-employee). You are subject solely to policy.

  • If you don’t like something at work, you are at the mercy of management.